Organic vs. Conventional Cotton: What’s in a Mattresses Matters!

Submitted by Annie Murray at Naturepedic Organic

Most of us are first introduced to the term “organic” in regard to food. Standing in the organic section of the supermarket produce aisle, it’s easy to see the benefit of organic. Fruits look varied and natural, instead of uniform and manufactured; veggies smell of the Earth, not of harsh chemicals.
For many consumers, discovering organic textiles is the next step: their clothes, their home furnishings and, you guessed it, their mattresses. Our beds are our safe havens – so shouldn’t our mattresses be safe and healthy, too? Unfortunately, the majority of mattresses available put people in close contact every day with materials that harm people and planet. One important material to consider is cotton.
Maybe you’re thinking: if a label says 100% cotton, it's good, right? Cotton is a plant – how bad can it be? Unfortunately, the difference between organic cotton and conventional cotton might shock you. Keep reading to find out why.

Organic Cotton Mattress Cover

What Is Organic Cotton? 
Unlike conventional cotton, organic cotton is grown using sustainable farming practices that have a low impact on the environment. Like organic food, the method used to grow and manufacture organic cotton drastically reduces the use of toxic chemicals. For cotton, these harmful chemicals include:
·       Pesticides
·       Fertilizers
·       Insecticides
As it goes for all organic products, cotton isn’t organic unless it’s certified organic. The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is the highest standard for organic textiles, and the certification ensures organic integrity throughout the supply chain. If a mattress bears this certification, consumers can trust the cotton used meets these rigorous standards.

Organic Cotton Mattresses Benefit the Earth 
Cotton has recently gained a reputation as “the dirtiest crop on Earth.” And unfortunately, this rep is somewhat deserved – non-organic farms operate under unfair working conditions, and beyond that they are harming our planet in significant ways that organic cotton is not. For example, conventional cotton farming often requires more water and energy usage. Mattresses made with certified organic cotton also support:

Fewer Pesticides/Lower Emissions
Conventional cotton farming relies on massive amounts of pesticides. And by massive, we meet up to 25% of the world’s pesticide usage. When sprayed into the air, these toxic chemicals cause damage to:
·       Air quality
·       Water
·       Soil
·       Wildlife
·       Ecosystems
Certified organic cotton, on the other hand, is manufactured without the use of pesticides, fertilizers, insecticides, defoliants or herbicides. It thus produces fewer greenhouse emissions – defying cotton’s “dirty crop” reputation – and takes a positive step in the fight against climate change.

Naturepedic Organic Mattress

Organic farmers use sustainable farming methods like crop rotation and soil-building techniques. They also do not rely on genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This supports biodiversity, helping to maintain a healthy variety of:
·      Pollinators
·      Earthworms
·      Spiders
·      Beetles
·      Plants
·      Bacteria
And more! Biodiversity is essential to our future on Earth. It is a safeguard for crops from food to medicine, it helps to maintain a clean water supply, and it even impacts global economies and cultures.

Health Benefits of Organic Cotton Mattresses
Beyond Mother Nature, organic cotton also supports personal health. For starters, the pesticides found in conventional cotton can be absorbed by our bodies. Seven of the top 15 pesticides have been labeled as known carcinogens by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Furthermore, exposure to pesticides can lead to minor health issues like headaches, irritated skin and allergies. Pesticide exposure has also been linked with more serious concerns, such as:
·       Birth defects
·       Reproductive issues
·       Compromised immune system
·       Parkinson’s disease and nervous system damage
·       Alzheimer’s disease and other memory issues
It’s alarming when you consider adults aim for eight hours of sleep a night … which adds up to a lot of time with their skin pressed up against the cotton quilt of a mattress and breathing in whatever may be released from the cotton batting inside.

What About the Farmers? 
Unethical labor conditions are a pressing issue for conventional cotton farmers around the world. Child labor and unfair wages are just two of the serious and all-too-common industry concerns – not to mention that conventional cotton farmers are exposed to toxic chemicals daily!
These people deserve better. By choosing GOTS certified mattresses made with organic cotton, like Naturepedic’s Chorus Mattress, you’re not just supporting ethically grown, sustainable products; you’re choosing to support ethical working conditions at every stage in the process.

Organic Mattress

Organic Cotton Makes for a Comfier Mattress, Too
“Sleeping hot” is a big issue in the mattress industry today. In fact, there are whole products and companies built on providing cool sleep. The truth is that it’s the chemicals in materials like polyurethane foam that make people feel hot and sweaty. Breathable organic cotton mattresses offer comfortable sleep the natural way.
We spend a third of our adult lives asleep. That’s a lot of time! Consumers shouldn’t be subjected to sleeping on pesticide residue, harmful materials or a mattress that’s making them less comfortable … not when there’s another way.
Offering certified organic mattresses made of organic materials, including GOTS certified organic cotton, helps keep toxic chemicals out of consumers’ homes and protects health – both that of people and planet.